Dikes are one way to try to prevent floods. They are the most popular in the Netherlands, where most of the country is below sea level. They are usually located on river banks, and they are in place to hold back swells of the river if it overflows. In the Netherlands, they are especially important for flooding because more than two thirds of their country is at risk of flooding. They are also one of the most densely populated areas in the world.
Dikes can be made two ways. They first way is the easiest, they can be made by nature. Unfortunately, this does not happen that much. Usually people have to make them because flooding has effected their community and they have to put a stop to it.
Even though this just looks like an innocent bench, it is really a dike. By disguising it as a hill, it doesn't take away from the scenery and it protects unsuspecting people from floods.
Along with its original purpose, this dike has another. A highway. By using this as a highway, they not only use less material, they calm the public because there are not all of these menacing figures around.
This dike is particulary interesting because it is built so that it will show, and not show according to the tide. Including its interesting design, this dike not only protects against floods, it is a work of art.